Learning Flutter Widgets, Widget 9 – Table
Table class A widget that uses the table layout algorithm for its children. Each child of a page view is forced to be the same size as the viewport. You can use a PageController to control which page is visible in the view. In addition to being able to control the pixel offset of the content inside the PageView,…

Learning Flutter Widgets, Widget 8 – PageView
PageView class A scrollable list that works page by page. Each child of a page view is forced to be the same size as the viewport. You can use a PageController to control which page is visible in the view. In addition to being able to control the pixel offset of the content inside the PageView, a PageController also lets you…

Learning Flutter Widgets, Widget 7 – FloatingActionButton
FloatingActionButton Widget class A material design floating action button. A floating action button is a circular icon button that hovers over content to promote a primary action in the application. Floating action buttons are most commonly used in the Scaffold.floatingActionButton field. Use at most a single floating action button per screen. Floating action buttons should be used for…

Learning Flutter Widgets, Widget 6 – FutureBuilder
FutureBuilder<T> class Widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Future. The future must have been obtained earlier, e.g. during State.initState, State.didUpdateWidget, or State.didChangeDependencies. It must not be created during the State.build or StatelessWidget.build method call when constructing the FutureBuilder. If the future is created at the same time as the FutureBuilder, then every time the FutureBuilder‘s parent is rebuilt, the asynchronous task will be restarted….

Learning Flutter Widgets, Widget 5 – Opacity
Flutter Opacity class A widget that makes its child partially transparent. This class paints its child into an intermediate buffer and then blends the child back into the scene partially transparent. For values of opacity other than 0.0 and 1.0, this class is relatively expensive because it requires painting the child into an intermediate buffer. For…