
TikTok Replica In Flutter And Firebase

TikTok Replica In Flutter And Firebase

Fluttet App – Tik Tik Replica Flutter app source code, Clone of TikTok with Flutter and Firebase. Check flutter app code on github Caracteristics Video Demo: -TikTok UI-Swipe Videos-Dynamic Video Data Source-User Data (Name, Image)-Animations(Image rotation) Libraries -video_player.-cloud_firestore:-cached_network_image Installation 1.-Clone or download this repository git clone 2.-Config your Firebase instance and insert the google-service.json…

Moviesfree4U –  Latest, Upcoming Movies

Moviesfree4U – Latest, Upcoming Movies

Flutter App – Moviesfree4U This is simple repository, that help in fetch latest, upcomming movies. Download flutter app source code from GitHub. APK You can Install and test latest Flutter Movies app from below ðŸ‘‡ Created & Maintained By Deepak Sharma If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and…

Notesless – A Markdown-Based Note-Taking Flutter App

Notesless – A Markdown-Based Note-Taking Flutter App

Noteless A markdown-based note-taking app for Android Compatible with notes saved in Notable Features Markdown-optimized editor with syntax highlighting Supports Github Flavored Markdown, AsciiMath, KaTeX and mermaidjs for diagrams Tags for organizing your notes Pin, Star and sort your notes by title or different dates Very themable – dark/light mode and accent color Full-text search File…

Xournal++ Mobile – Flutter App To Infinitely Take Notes, Sketch And Learn

Xournal++ Mobile – Flutter App To Infinitely Take Notes, Sketch And Learn

 Xournal++ Mobile Warning: Xournal++ Mobile is currently in early development and not yet stable. Use with caution! Download From Google Play Store A port of the main features of Xournal++ to various Flutter platforms like Android, iOS and the Web. Try it out Mission completed: We can now render strokes, images and text and LaTeX!. We thereby support the…

Spotify – Add captions to songs in your Spotify playlists

Spotify – Add captions to songs in your Spotify playlists

Spotify Flutter App Add captions to songs in your Spotify playlists Download Screenshots Features Sign in using Spotify Load playlists from Spotify Add captions to each song in a Spotify playlist Share playlist via link Browse playlists created by other users Save playlists Built With Flutter Spotify Web API Firebase Cloud Firestore Algolia – search provider…

Drinkable – Flutter App to check your daily water intake

Drinkable – Flutter App to check your daily water intake

Flutter is growing day by day and many developers as well. Developers are working hard to make awesome flutter apps. Which are also available on Github and anyone can download flutter app source code. The flutter open source community is trying to make examples and apps to help other developers. Here on Flutter Fumes we…