flutter bottom navigation bar

Tutorial 6  – Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar implementation using titled_navigation_bar Library

Tutorial 6 – Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar implementation using titled_navigation_bar Library

This is the 6th tutorial of the Flutter Bottom Navigation Series. Till then we have learned how to make bottom navigation bar on any app using flutter’s own package and third party packages. Hope you are learning new things from every tutorial and making awesome flutter apps. Flutter development is now becoming a new trend…

Flutter Bottom Personalized Dot Bar  Libary-bottom_personalized_dot_bar

Flutter Bottom Personalized Dot Bar Libary-bottom_personalized_dot_bar

Bottom Personalized Dot Bar  A bottom navigation bar that you can customize with the options you need, without any limits. You can also customize the appearance of the navigation bar. The development was inspired by the following design: personalized-tab-bar You can see the source code of this lib inside the /lib folder. Show some ❤️ and star the…

Flutter Titled Bottom Navigation Libary-titled_navigation_bar

Flutter Titled Bottom Navigation Libary-titled_navigation_bar

Flutter Titled Bottom Navigation Titled Bottom Navigation Bar library is another simple and useful library in the category of the bottom navigation bar. You can easily make some smooth animations while changing the tabs. Titled Bottom Navigation Bar  A beautiful, clean and simple bottom navigation bar with smooth animation on click. This package is high…

Flutter Curved Navigation Navigation -curved_navigation_bar

Flutter Curved Navigation Navigation -curved_navigation_bar

Flutter Curved Navigation Curved Navigation Bar library is another simple and useful library in the category of the bottom navigation bar. You can easily make some smooth animations while changing the tabs. curved_navigation_bar  pub package A Flutter package for easy implementation of curved navigation bar. Add dependency  Easy to use  Attributes  items: List of Widgetsindex:…

Tutorial 5  – Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar implementation using curved_navigation_bar Library

Tutorial 5 – Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar implementation using curved_navigation_bar Library

This is the 5th tutorial of the Flutter Bottom Navigation Series. Till then we have learned how to make bottom navigation bar on any app using flutter’s own package and third party packages. Hope you are learning new things from every tutorial and making awesome flutter apps. Flutter development is now becoming a new trend…

Flutter FF Navigation BAR -ff_navigation_bar

Flutter FFNavigationBar FFNavigationBar library is another simple and useful library in the category of the bottom navigation bar. You can easily make some smooth animations while changing the tabs. A highly configurable navigation bar with emphasis for the selected item.  Add dependency Basic use Theme The navbar has a Theme class which can be used…

Flutter Bubbled Navigation Navigation -bubbled_navigation_bar

Flutter Bubbled Navigation Navigation -bubbled_navigation_bar

Flutter Bubbled Navigation Bubbled Navigation Bar library is another simple and useful library in the category of bottom navigation bar. You can easily make some smooth animations while changing the tabs. Use this package as a library 1. Depend on it Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: 2. Install it You can install packages…

Tutorial 1 – Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar

Tutorial 1 – Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar

This is the first post of the Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar series, I will share examples of bottom navigation bars from simple to advanced using flutter library and third-party libraries. I am not going to cover any basics of Flutter Development as I am assuming that you are already familiar with Stateless/Stateful Widgets, Scaffold, Appbar…

Flutter Fancy Bottom Navigation -fancy_bottom_navigation

Flutter Fancy Bottom Navigation -fancy_bottom_navigation

Flutter Fancy Bottom Navigation  Fancy Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar library is very easy to use and nice animations, library is easy to customize as per need. Use this package as a library 1. Depend on it Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: 2. Install it You can install packages from the command line: with…

bottom_navy_bar 5.5.0

bottom_navy_bar 5.5.0

BottomNavyBar  A beautiful and animated bottom navigation. The navigation bar use your current theme, but you are free to customize it. Preview PageView Use this package as a library 1. Depend on it Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: 2. Install it You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter: Alternatively, your…